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Design Matters in our Visual Culture - nike dunks for sale

To make a long story short, Yes, design does matter! When you meet someone you hope to date, dont you want to make a good first impression You want to be in nice clothes, have your hair just right and be in the right place at the right time cheap nike free. When you shop for books at the bookstore, doesnt the nicely designed books attract your attention.

.. lets be honest, we do sometimes judge a book by its cover then read on for content When you meet people, dont you give them a firm handshake Why do you do this Because you want them to know you are confident nike dunks for sale.When you attend networking events and you hand people your business card, you dont want to say, These are just my temporary business cards.

Ive heard this many times at networking events luxe boots sale . You lose credibility and your ego and confidence gets deflated doesnt it! Your website can ruin or build your credibility.

Which would you prefer People can judge how professional and/or serious you are about your business when they start looking at your website (or any other marketing materials they get their hands on) luxe boots sale. Online (on the Internet) you have only a few seconds to impress your visitors before they make a conscious decision to click away or click for more information.

So help them make it easy to click for more information. You should put the same effort and attention in your marketing materials (business cards, letterheads, postcards, direct mail, voice mail greeting, etc.) as you do for growing your business.

